
Karumba Banana Prawns are delicious, versatile prawns perfect for a range of uses.

Make them the centrepiece of a delicious curry or add some garlic and butter for a classic take on Garlic Prawns.

Karumba Banana Prawns are a good source of protein and are naturally low in fat.

The Northern Prawn Fishery is often referred to as Australia’s last ‘wild frontier’, and is situated across Australia’s top end.

The fishery extends from the low water mark to the outer edge of the Australian fishing zone. Its eastern extremity lies at Cape York in Queensland and stretches west to Cape Londonderry in Western Australia. The fishery covers approximately 880,000 km2, with less than 12% of that area being fished.

Austral operates 11 of the 52 licenced vessels in this fishery, which has been certified by the Marine Stewardship Council as sustainable and well managed.

Follow The Karumba Banana Prawns Journey

Be part of the Karumba Banana Prawns story, find out who is working with Karumba Banana Prawns and discover where you can try some yourself.

We’ve got a growing gallery on the Banana Prawns Instagram account of stunning, delicious ways Chefs are preparing them around the world, as well as shots from the Northern Prawn Fishery and our crew on board.